Today, as I write, I am sitting poolside at a hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.  I started 2022 time traveling to the future on a flight that took me across the world.  Tomorrow, I will board a flight to Chiang Mai, and create my own eat, pray, love journey…stay tuned…

As I reflect on the last year, I can honestly say that even in its challenges, 2021 was good to me.  The word I chose to focus on in 2021 was simply “love”.  I wanted to show up with love for myself and all that came in contact with me.  Keeping love at my core and in focus, allowed me to see myself and others beyond our flaws.  It helped me to view people and circumstances from a level of compassion and not judgement.  It allowed me to love and trust myself enough to let go…and see what unfolds.  It opened my heart to new possibilities and began to heal some past traumas. Leading with love has made me appreciate my life and relationships even more than I had ever imagined.  

My word for 2020 was liberation…I needed to free myself from my pain, my past, and the limiting beliefs I had of myself and others…In gaining that freedom, I was able to embrace the word love in 2021 and opened my heart to deeper relationships and experiences.  Now that I have freedom and I lead with love, my word for 2022 is adventure.  I am going to say yes more, and see where life takes me.  I am free, full of love and ready to see what unfolds.  I must say starting the year with an adventure to Thailand has kicked it off right!

So what have I learned through these pandemic years…

  1. Freedom and love were essential to my GOTP journey.
  2. What you focus on expands…
  3. Time is fleeing and not promised to anyone, so make the most of every minute in every day!

Are you ready to embrace new possibilities?

  1. What were your words of the past few years?
  2. Did those words manifest in your life?
  3. What is your word for 2022 and how will you breathe power into it!

Every step gets you closer (big or small).  If you want some help along the way, I would love to be your coach.  Visit to learn more about my services and how we can work together!The Book:  Start your GOTP journey today!  Click here to get your copy!