Faith is taking one step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
–Martin Luther King, Jr.


My garage has caused me much angst over the last several years.  I would drive home everyday and feel overwhelmed by the amount of “stuff” that was in my garage.  Some days it would literally cause me physical anxiety. I often wondered why it caused me such discomfort; after all, it was my “stuff” right?  I still hadn’t made the connection at the time, but I believe the “stuff” in that garage represented the “stuff” that I had to deal with in my life.  The more I didn’t deal with “my inner stuff”, the more uncomfortable I got each time I pulled into that garage.  I could not escape the “stuff”!

Over the last year, my world completely changed as I knew it, and I got so uncomfortable that I had to face some really tough realities. As my life began to change before my eyes, my external space didn’t change at all. However, the way my universe works is that when I get really uncomfortable, I have no choice but to take action, so before the New Year, I decided that my bedroom needed a complete overhaul.  After all, that was much easier than dealing with the enormity of the garage. With the help of my amazing, talented, interior decorator in her next life, sister; my bedroom is now transformed into a tranquil sanctuary of peace.  It actually feels like a big hug.  So going into the New Year, after my company left, I felt better, but I still had to pull into that garage each day and that “stuff” continued to stare at me.  I would try to look down and go straight to my tranquil bedroom, but it didn’t work.  Until, finally I had a day off of work, had a cup of coffee, walked into that ( large three car) garage, and started cleaning out from one end to the other. Before I knew it there was a huge garbage pile, and next to that was two huge thrift store donation piles, and next to that was three gigantic bags to donate to Goodwill. About five hours later, not only was the garage clean and organized, but so was the storage shed that is attached to my home. I stood in the garage alone when I was done, and was tickled pink with myself.  I looked something that seemed bigger than me in the face, and tackled it…ON MY OWN! I realized I could do anything I put my mind toward, but I also acknowledged that you can’t do anything until you are mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to do so.

Only you know when you are ready to clean out your garage :-)!

My take away(s):

  1. The space you live in is usually a reflection of your life.  If your living space is filled with chaos and clutter, you are more than likely dealing with chaos and conflict in your life that needs to be dealt with or cleaned out.
  2. Sometimes things that appear to be insurmountable are really bigger in our minds than in reality. Whether it is a garage or even a bigger challenge, taking one step will lead to another and another…
  3. The universe sends us signs time after time, and our life will continue to be uncomfortable until we take steps to change…it took courage to tackle that garage, and it takes courage to uncover your truth, and then live it. So much was uncovered for me by the end of the garage cleaning…It was much bigger than the garage itself.

My challenge for you:

  1. What are some things in your life that need “cleaning out”? Whether it is a physical space, or inner conflict, what continues to nudge at you?
  2. Once you identify the areas of your life that need “cleaning”, what is one step you can take this month to get it going?

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